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Our work is based on Building, Enriching, and Sustaining Community.


Leading Up LLC provides customized professional and personal development.


Our skilled facilitators will work with you on-site, in retreat settings, in seminars, and other environments to build, enhance, and sustain your school, church, business, and other community.





We are communal creatures and we crave a place in which we belong.  How do we make a place that both meets our human needs and serves its purpose?


A workplace where we are responsible and respected.


A neighborhood where we thrive, protecting each other and encouraging individual growth and expression.


A place to talk to others about our children, our parents, our lives in an atmosphere of safety and respect.


Whether you think you are a leader or a follower, or even if you think you just want to stay out of the way, you are a part of a community & accountable to yourself and your community.


How can you live your authentic life in an inauthentic world?

We work with groups and individuals in schools, churches, workplaces, and the community, building community and leadership.


We build programs to meet your needs, offer classes on our sites or yours, and offer feed back and support as you need it.


Cultural responsiveness, diversity in the workplace, Restorative Practices, PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports), leadership development, culture coaching, teacher renewal, Godly Play and children's spiritual development are a few of our offerings.

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Mailing Address

PO Box 6384

Columbia, SC 29260




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